Sunny Day: Clean it or Drive it?

Suns out, car needs a clean, What to do?
A. Take it out for a drive
B. Clean it and then take it out for a drive
C. Drive it then clean it
D. Clean it and put it back in the garage
There is no nicer feeling (D) than knowing you have a clean car in the garage.
Well apart from driving it – that is the best feeling of course.
Unfortunately in these crazy lockdown times, driving it isn’t an option.
So I have to settle for cleaning it.
Wash, then with the machine polisher 1) cutting compound, 2) polish 3) wax
Lots of gratuitous photos below.
cerbera polished and waxed
cerbera polished and waxed
cerbera polished and waxed
cerbera polished and waxed
cerbera polished and waxed
cerbera polished and waxed
cerbera polished and waxed

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