Been out with the GoPro getting some audio of the exhaust sounds. It’s not the best quality mic, and with the roads still damp, needed to keep the revs not too high, but still – hope you enjoy it. …

Been out with the GoPro getting some audio of the exhaust sounds. It’s not the best quality mic, and with the roads still damp, needed to keep the revs not too high, but still – hope you enjoy it. …
Being a little OCD and owning a TVR is always going to cause some frustration, the aftermarket ACT sport tails are a great addition sound-wise, but you will pull your hair out with trying to get the Cerbera exhaust aligned.…
Was out playing with the GoPro again last night. We need more tunnels in this country. Best enjoyed with headphones.
It’s well known that it gets pretty toasty under the bonnet of a Cerbera. The heat from the manifolds is extreme, and with so many other components that close, it can certainly take its toll. I remember reading years ago…
Ever since I switched from Shell V Power to Esso Synergy+ 99, people have been telling me of Cerbera flames occasionally shooting out of my exhausts. Of course being in the drivers seat, you only ever get to hear about…
I found myself starting to think about changing the Cerbera for another car – but as you’ll read on, I actually went in a different direction for a very good reason. If you are a Cerbera owner also considering moving…
To track or not to Track? A question I often hear asked. My take on this.. I wouldn’t have bought a car that has been endlessly ragged around a track. And nor do I want to endlessly rag my car…
Picked up my new (to me) Cerbera a few days ago. I already knew the first thing I was going to do, and that was to change the original back box for the ACT sports exhaust; so I’d ordered them…